Water Cut Analysers
When you require highly accurate and reliable measurements of a fluid’s viscosity, Cambridge Viscosity’s ViscoLab products are an excellent choice. Given that fluid samples are often costly and in limited supply, it is essential for viscometers to provide precise results using only minimal amounts of sample.
User-friendly and highly compatible with a wide range of laboratory environments, ViscoLab viscometers require minimal maintenance and infrequent calibration. And—the best part—they are self-cleaning.
Model 5650
The Model 5650 Water Cut Monitor is designed to produce superior results in operating environments from the North Sea to the Sahara Desert. Delivering unmatched flexibility in material, size, features and configurations.
Reliable capacitance detection technology
Sizes from 1 to 48 inches, ranges 0-25% or 0-100%
Intrinsically safe and explosion-proof configurations
Direct in-situ or bypass configurations
Integral temperature compensation

The Model 5650 is designed with reliability and flexibility in mind. Incorporating decades of experience with capacitance probe engineering, the 5650 is one of the most reliable water cut monitors on the market. Built-in logic compensates for vast temperature effects in the dielectric constant of the water while remaining sensitive to the much smaller dielectric constant effects of oil.
Proper stream flow conditioning is the key to high accuracy water cut metering. The Model 5650 can be supplied with a built-in static mixer to provide a well conditioned stream for highly accurate readings for both in-line measurement and sampling, reaching unparalleled accuracy over many ranges of water content.